Sunday Service Registrations | July 12th
Thank you for registering and letting us better prepare our campus for you and first-guests. Please read and share with those you are registering the following guidelines we are implementing from Napa County and the state of California concerning protocols required to reopening our campus for Sunday Ministry.
Campus Occupancy of less than 100 persons
Face Masks are currently required for all in attendance (current exceptions are for stage personnel only)
Check-In stations are on either side of the courtyard for temperature scans. If anyone with you has a reading of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher you all will be asked to leave campus
Social Distancing of 6 feet is still recommended
If you or anyone in your household is feeling unwell or showing symptoms please remain at home
There will be no mommy & me room, nursery, or Kidventure ministries available. Any children in attendance must abide by all previous guidelines and remain with a parent or guardian
We are doing our best to keep up to date on all guidelines and recommended procedures. Thank you for your grace and understanding during this season.
Contact us for more info: | 707-255-3036